
White-tailed Eagle in Bulgaria!
June 10, 2010 | News

White-tailed Eagle in Bulgaria!

While working on the Action Plan for the White-tailed Eagle as a long-term instrument, it is necessary to act now already: One of the pilot activities is the White-tailed Eagle ringing in Persina Nature Park, one of the majestic birds' rare breeding places in Bulgaria.

The protection of the areas Lakat and Milka Islands - mainly because of the assumed breeding of White-tailed Eagle - shows results: Two nesting pairs have been found; three young Eagles that were born this spring have now been ringed for further monitoring of the population.

The now seven Eagles living in Persina Nature Park give hope for the further development of the Bulgarian Danube as a home range for White-tailed Eagle, which are currently mainly breeding on the Middle, but not the Upper and Lower Danube.
