Activities STEP 2.0


The main aim in this project was to further support the maintenance of an international network of floodplain forest habitats. This activity built on the Perspectives for Floodplain Forestsdeveloped in the first joint project.

The Black Poplar was selected as a flagship species to support this work as it provides a hook for communicating with the public about protecting old forest stands as well as dynamic rejuvenation areas, and about the genetic varieties of local species. The DANUBEPARKS network elaborated a Black Poplar cadastre, and analysed the genetic variability of Black Poplar as basis for future reforestation and protection actions.

The leadership of Vojvodinašume - a publicly-owned forest company that manages the Protected Areas in the Serbian province of Vojvodina - is a real asset for cooperation with forestry stakeholders in this activity. A cross-sectorial conference on floodplain forest management was held in spring 2014 in Novi Sad to exchange experience and foster cooperation among the two sectors.
