
International Workshop on River Revitalization in Donau-Auen National Park
May 31, 2011 | News

International Workshop on River Revitalization in Donau-Auen National Park

On May 26th-27th, the final international workshop on river revitalization was held in Orth/Donau. This workshop was the last in a row (after Bratislava and Ingolstadt in 2010) and finalized the process of elaborating the Joint Strategic Paper on Conservation & Navigation as well as the Transnational Study on River Revitalization Projects.

Both papers were presented by the external experts that elaborated them for and with the input of all network partners, and several sections discussed intensely. All presentations held can be found on the downloads section.

In the afternoons of both days, excursions were made to river revitalization projects along the Danube and along the Morava river. Special attention was given during the presentations and excursions also on bad practice examples and lessons learnt from the past: It is important to not only show and learn from best practices, but also to acknowledge mistakes from the past in order to improve projects in the future and not repeat mistakes in other parts of the river!
