
New partner in the DANUBEPARKS Network
February 15, 2011 | News

New partner in the DANUBEPARKS Network

Djerdap National Park in Serbia, located directly at the Iron Gates and the border to Romania, is an important protected area of the Danube and has always been a somewhat “missing link” in the DANUBEPARKS Network.

Since autumn 2010, closer contact has been established which finally ended in a study visit of the Director, Vice-Director and International Relations Officer of Djerdap to the Donau-Auen National Park as the Lead Partner of the DANUBEPARKS Network in January 2011.

At this two day visit, the future partnership – bilaterally, but more important as a part of the transnational network – were discussed and the specific thematic interests and collaboration opportunities established. In order to lay down the cooperation of the new partner in the network, a Declaration of Interest for Observer Partners has been signed by the Djerdap National Park.

To spend these two days together was also a useful chance to discuss the participation in future joint projects of the DANUBEPARKS network and to get to know the current activities as well as to exchange experience in the nature management of National Parks during excursions.

We are happy about this extension of the Network and looking forward to a long-lasting and collaborative joint work!