The Protected Areas along the Danube River all host outstanding natural treasures, which make them fascinating attractions for nature lovers. Also, having this important natural heritage at hand, Protected Areas fulfil their task of educating both visitors and local population about the value and functions of their habitats and species. Tourism in Protected Areas will therefore always have an educational element.
Additionally, when tourism follows a sustainable development principle, it can help improve the economic situation – especially in rural areas – by diversifying income opportunities, and protect high-value leisure time areas for local inhabitants. At the same time, when pressure by leisure time visitors is high due to close urban areas, the challenging task is to let visitors experience the attraction of the area, but at the same time protect it and provide enough quiet zones.
This is done through visitor management, such as providing information, regulations, maps, marked trails, etc. The task of the DANUBEPARKS Network in this respect is twofold: On the one hand, the Network provides its members with the opportunity to share experiences on these subjects and also organises workshops and trainings. On the other hand, product development and marketing can be done jointly, especially for international tourists and tour-operators.