In the framework of Transdanube.Travel.Stories project co-financed by Interreg DTP Programme, DANUBEPARKS team has organized a 3-day conference Returning to the Last Danube 2021 in Kopački rit Nature Park.
After a new DANUBEPARKS tourist trail is created, and a Danube-wide survey about sustainable mobility in Protected Areas is finalized, we have invited experts from Protected Areas all along the Danube to participate in two expert workshops, and Symposium in Kopački rit - Past, Present, Future.
On the first day of the conference (29th of September, 2021) expert workgroups were working on two topics:
- Sustainable Mobility Management Plan for the trail - coordinated by Ms. Stephanie Blutaumuller (Dona Auen National Park)
- New tools and green travel products for DANUBEPARKS.
During the first workshop, after the presentation of the Danube-wide survey about sustainable mobility in PAs (coordinated by Donau Auen National Park experts), Ms. Almut Sedlmeier (Danube Office Ulm) has presented many examples of good practice for Sustainable Mobility after which experts had a group task focused on accessibility to sustainable transportation in 3 Protected Areas that are part of DANUBEPARKS Network.
The focus of the second workshop was the preparation of the new edition of DANUBEPARKS' book "Nature's havens on the Danube", and a discussion about the Festival of Living history and gastronomy. After the first part of the workshop in Kopačevo, experts were participating in Baranja Cuisine Workshop organized in Lug, where the preparation of the traditional local dish "carp fish on a stick" was presented. This workshop also included a discussion about cookbook development, coordinated by Mr. Ivan Gašpić - author of the upcoming publication.
On the 30th of September, the 10th Symposium with international participation: Kopački rit - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE has started with amazing presentations from the experts in the field of nature conservation, tourism, and sustainable development.
After the attendance at the Symposium, the DANUBEPARKS expert group had a guided tour through several Points of Interest within the Kopački rit (as a first destination on the new tourist trail): Kopačevo Village, Tourist dock Sakadaš (boat tour), Tikveš Castle Compex and Ethno-Village Karanac.
The second day of the Symposium was focused on the cultural heritage of the region, where colleagues from another Interreg project "Living Danube Limes" presented their work. After this, programme honoring the proclamation of the five-country UNESCO's Biosphere reserve Mura-Drava-Danube was organized by WWF Adria.
This was an excellent opportunity to gather various experts from all along the Danube and now with a better understanding of the strategical significance of Transdanube.Travel.Stories project DANUBEPARKS team is ready to move forward toward the implementation of the new project activities.