
Erebe restoration finalized
February 11, 2025 | News

Erebe restoration finalized

DANUBEPARKS is extremely excited to share the first complete restoration measure within the LIFE WILDisland project - the side-arm revitalization at the Erebe islands, Fertő-Hanság National Park, Hungary!

Following a long process of technical planning, approval and tendering the construction works started in March 2024 and were interrupted several times due to the exceptionally high water levels and interrupted access to the site. 

Now, after the succesful dredging, the 70-year old groyne obstructing the access of the water has finally been broken to revitalize some 3 kilometers of an old oversedimented side-arm, restoring dynamic flow throughout the side branch. 

The Erebe islands form a large complex of 6 islands of approximately 120 ha, covered by (semi)natural softwood forest stands as well as poplar plantations, placed in categories B and C in the WILDisland inventory. The measures will result in the restoration of an island complex including 6 islands, all of high quality and/or potential for softwood forests (approx. 120 ha), and a Danube side-arm reconnection. We expect that these measures will restore 7,172 m of waterbodies and improve the morphology on 111 ha.

In addition to that, the Erebe islands provide good conditions for the development of natural softwood forests. The main negative impact results from invasive alien tree species (Acer negundo). This is why the LIFE WILDisland provides for measures to combat this species on both Erebe and the nearby Veneki island complexes.

This is a major milestone for the entire LIFE WILDisland project - the very first successfully completed on-site measure, which will improve the hydrological condition and bring tangible change in the riparian ecosystems. FHNPD used an initial concept elaborated within the frame of the former Interreg DANUBEparksCONNECTED project to develop a detailed technical plan for the re-opening of the Danube sidearm, including all permissions for the optimization of the navigation infrastructure and removal of vegetation and sediments within the side branch system. The plans were there adjusted through a number of site visits and experience exchange and we are now the outcomes of the practical actions are awaited!

Congratulations on the great work and we are looking forward to the further natural development of the area!

For more information:
Attila Fersch - Fertö Hansag Nature Park Directorate: