
Green Travel Product Testing - The Last Danube on two wheels (TDTS project)
March 15, 2022 | News

Green Travel Product Testing - The Last Danube on two wheels (TDTS project)

During the Transdanube Travel Stories, new Green Travel Products are developed to offer an opportunity for the tourists to experience the "Returning to the Last Danube" tourist trail (from Kopački rit to the Danube Delta).

One of these products "The Last Danube on the Two Wheels" is focused on a round trip through 3 DANUBEPARKS Protected Areas:
1. Kopački rit Nature Park (Croatia)
2. Duna-Dráva National Park (Hungary)
3. Gornje Podunavlje Special Nature Reserve (Serbia)

The new green travel product is planned as a group trip that will consist of four to thirteen travelers, one or two guides, and one or two van drivers, depending on the size of the group.

The product was tested in the period from 9th-11th of March 2022 by a group of testers from the cycling club "Weekend Warriors". You can see more photos in the photo gallery HERE.

New green travel product expectation

The product will give people the opportunity to see all of the breathtaking wetland wilderness that spans through three countries. Guests will be able to try authentic food made from all local ingredients, taste local wine made from the authentic grape sorts that grow in these parts, see the local culture and how people used to live, visit some villages and cities along the route, monuments, castles, and have a little time for themselves to relax and enjoy the overall experience.

In this area, you can still witness the pristine authentic nature that used to cover half of the continent. Throughout history where there was water there was vegetation, animals, and fish, so people always lived near water. Because of these reasons, a lot of people moved to these areas.

Everyone who participates in this program will have a chance to visit all these beautiful places and see everything they have to offer. The parks have a big variety of plant life, all sorts of small and big animals, fish, insects but they are mostly famous for the bird population that consists of over 300 species that live in the parks through the seasons. That means it will be the perfect surrounding for nature lovers and a great opportunity for anyone who is into birdwatching.

After the trip, all the people that have participated will understand the importance of areas like these, the diversity in plant and wildlife, culture and heritage and the beauty of authentic local businesses, and the quality that comes with them. People will get a sense of the importance of these places and why we have to preserve and support them.


Transdanube Travel Stories co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA, ENI) and DANUBEPARKS.