
WILDisland - Ramsar information point on Persin Island
February 22, 2024 | News

WILDisland - Ramsar information point on Persin Island

Persina Nature Park has started the installation of a Ramsar site information point on Persin Island. The information point will replace the old monitoring tower located on the territory of the largest Ramsar site in Bulgaria, "Belene Islands Complex".

This is an activity of the Persina Nature Park Directorate provided within the LIFE WILDisland project and implemented with the assistance of the Belene Municipality.

Ramsar Sites are wetlands of international importance, the richest biodiversity ecosystems on Earth. Remarkable for their beauty, impressive to people and at the same time the most threatened by extinction and the most vulnerable against the backdrop of rapidly changing climatic conditions.

Until 1947 the Belene island area was used by local people for cattle grazing, fishery, and forestry (very restrict). The cattle grazing was possible only during the dry period of the year. Since 1948 the island has been used as a state prison. Due to the human impact the area lost its socio-economic value and a significant part of its ecological value. At present we can see the loss of economically valuable natural resources. In 1989 the total fish yield from the Danube amounted to 360 tonnes only, three times less than the fish caught in the forties and fifties. The reason for this is the destruction of the shallow waters and marshy areas, where the fish bred, including marshes on Belene island.

The Ramsar designation of Belene Islands Complex has helped the community to promote Belene, not only in Bulgaria but also abroad. The designation largely contributed to the selection of the site for a 2006 project to reconnect former floodplain forests and wetlands on Belene Island with the river. After the project was completed, wetlands regularly fill with water – fish stocks are restored, the number and species of birds has increased. With the installation of this info point we hope to contribute to the public awarenss and recognition of the area even more.

We will keep you posted!

Text and Photos credits: Persina Nature Park Directorate

For more information:
Daniela Karakasheva -